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People sometimes find it difficult to distinguish the terms “Vegetarian”, “Vegan” and “Fruitarian”. At first glance, it sounds similar, but actually, there are some differences. Anything, Ton? Then, what are the benefits and health effects of being a vegetarian, vegan, or fruitarian?

Yes, your curiosity will be answered through the article below, let’s look together!

vegan food

1. Reasons to Become Vegetarian / Vegan

There are many, indeed, underlying factors why a person chooses to be a vegan/vegetarian/fruitarian. Economic considerations, for example, where there are those who believe that reducing consumption of meat or other animal products can help deal with world hunger and improve the economic life of a country. This can also be related to health issues with the assumption that degenerative diseases related to excessive consumption of animal products can be suppressed, which can indirectly affect the country’s annual budget for the health sector.

For people who are already exposed to degenerative diseases, such as coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, etc., then being vegetarian/vegan can be a healthy diet solution. Or, a healthy tip for people with those diseases is that they should enjoy their moment without doing any stressing activities. For example, they can be vegan and a gambler at a same time. They can have fun by betting in agen judi bola soccer gamble and even more winning back big money.

Some religions in the world, for example, Buddhism, advise adherents not to consume meat.

The love factor for animals can also be a trigger for someone to become a vegetarian. There are already many organizations that claim to be “animal lovers” who refuse to consume animal products. The reasons vary, from defending an animal’s right to life to the outrage that arises as a result of several methods of slaughtering animals that are considered to hurt / torture animals.

Regarding environmental issues, there is an assumption that the higher the interest of the community in animal products, the higher the demand in the market. Of course, yes? If demand in the market is high, then what do producers do to meet market needs? Increase the productivity of livestock. The more productive a farm, the more animals raised and born will be in number, in line with the increase in waste from these animals, which, if not properly taken care of their sanitation, it will become pollution and a source of disease.

2. Health Benefits as Vegan / Vegetarian

As mentioned above, excessive consumption of animal products (FYI: all animal products contain cholesterol) can increase the risk of degenerative diseases. Reducing consumption can reduce this risk. In addition, vegetarians/vegans who predominantly consume vegetables and fruit will certainly have a higher daily fiber intake than non-vegetarians and non-vegans, so constipation/constipation can be avoided. This, of course, must also be balanced with sufficient water consumption.
3. Risk of Vegan / Vegetarian / Fruitarian Nutrition Deficiency
As long as vegans/vegetarians adopt a healthy diet with discipline and not careless. The risk of nutritional deficiencies above can be prevented.

vegan food

4. Vegan and Vegetarian are Different!

Vegan is a person who really does not eat animal products at all, both meat and derived products. Vegans only eat vegetables, fruit, and nuts products. Vegetarians are divided into three types:
1. Lacto Vegetarian: A term for vegetarians who still consume milk from animals;
2. Ovo Vegetarian: A term for vegetarians who still consume eggs;
3. Lacto Ovo Vegetarian: A term for vegetarians who still consume milk from animals and eggs.
From the nuts and their processed products (tempeh, tofu, soy milk), vegetarians/vegans get a source of vegetable protein. Many say indeed that animal protein can be more easily absorbed by the body than vegetable protein. However, the absorption of vegetable protein can be accelerated by the body’s absorption of food sources of vitamin C, which is widely available in vegetables and fruit, which is also a daily menu of vegans/vegetarians. For Ovo, Lacto, Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian, they can still get animal protein from eggs and / or milk.

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5. What is Fruitarian?

If this one, really only consume fruit (some still consume nuts and grains). This one diet is still rather worrying because if it really only consumes fruit, then the daily protein intake may not be fulfilled. For teens and children, it is not recommended to do this type of diet because it is still in its infancy. According to the authors, being fruitarian is feasible to be applied once or twice a week. Being a kind of detoxification on certain days.